Insurance photos

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We get it. Taking insurance photos is probably the last item on your to do list. But every year, there are more than 350,000 home fires in the United States along with countless other disasters that could leave you out in the cold.


If you have a recent model smart phone, it should take clear enough photos. If not, bust out your digital camera. Start off by photographing the room from each corner. This will allow you to capture the flooring, ceiling, as well as everything in the room from multiple angles.



Now it's time to open up drawers and doors to capture what's inside.



Capture serial numbers of more expensive items like televisions (typically on the back) and refrigerators (usually on the door).

  • antiques and family heirlooms

  • designer clothing and bags

  • custom finishes

  • paintings and wall art

  • important documents

  • china

  • kitchen tools

  • jewelry

  • appliances

  • televisions

  • entertainment equipment

  • computers and tablets

  • tools

  • furniture


How to upload home insurance photos to your Househappy account

How to add a room to your home in your Househappy account

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(855) 694-7868      ✉ 

Erica Oglefire