The Do's and Don'ts of Watering Plants


Whether you have a green thumb or you’re the green grim reaper, we have a few tips to keep your outdoor plants thriving this summer. 

DO water plants in the A.M.
Hydrating in the morning allows as much water as possible to absorb into the soil before the heat of the day.

DON’T over hydrate
In the heat, it’s common to water too frequently just to keep the top soil moist. Balance watering frequency to ensure deeper root saturation. 

DO directly water the roots
Position your water at soil level and deliver hydration directly to the base of the plant.

DON’T use broadcast sprinklers
Broadcast sprinklers are simply inefficient and wasteful, especially on a hot and/or windy day.

DO soak container plants at least once per day
Soil in containers dries out much faster than in a garden plot or bed. Soak twice a day if the heat is above 90 degrees.

DON’T forget the trees
Newly planted trees need hydration a few times per week in their first month, then weekly after their first growing season.

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