Roof inspection

Roof inspection

How’s your roof doing? Have you checked on it lately? While water pouring from your overhead light and ceiling stains are obvious signs that you have a problem, your roof might be giving you subtle clues that it could use a check-up. A quick inspection could extend its life and save you thousands of dollars in replacement or repair costs. So let’s go take a look!

Check your roof

A pair of binoculars are helpful, but not necessary, to complete this task.



What kind of roof do you have? That makes a big difference in how long you can expect your house topper to last. If you’re like 80% of homeowners, you have an asphalt shingle roof that you can expect to have a life span of 15 to 25 years.

No matter how old your roof is, there are a few things to look for to ensure you get the maximum life out of your overhead investment.



Grab your binoculars if you have some and head outside to look at your roof. From the ground, take a look at the shingles of your roof.

A few damaged or missing shingles may only require a replacement if no water damage has happened yet. Be sure to have this fixed ASAP. Major damaged sections or missing shingles throughout the entirety of the roof means that it’s time for a full replacement.

Now look for signs that your roof is sagging or drooping. Be sure to check your roof from all sides. Any signs of sagging mean that you have a major problem on your hands and you need to call in a Pro to assess your options.

Now do a visual inspection for moss, mold, and fungi. These are indicators that you have trapped moisture in your roof. If the moisture builds up and backs into your home, it can affect your family’s health.

Take a look at the flashing on your roof. Is it rusting or cracked?

While looking at your roof close up can help you spot signs of damage, like many things in life, it can also be helpful to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Walk across the street to take a look or remember to keep an eye out as you’re pulling into the driveway. Sometimes it’s easier to spot a missing shingle or dark patch from a distance.

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Roof damage is not something that you want to ignore as it can lead to costly repairs down the road. If caught early, a missing shingle or small issue can even be a DIY repair if you can safely get on your roof.

Here are a few other signs that it’s time to look more closely at your roof

  • Take a peek in your attic. Do you see or smell signs of moisture, mold, or rot?

  • Are you seeing shingle granules in your gutters or on the ground around your home after a hard rain?

  • Are your gutters rusty or beginning to leak?

  • Is there a water stain around the bathroom fan? This can indicate a leak coming from your roof vent.

  • Have you recently removed an old satellite from your roof? If so, the area needs to be properly repaired with flashing to prevent leaks.

It’s important to check your roof at least once a year and after any major weather event, such as a hail or wind storm. If you completed this 5 Minute Friday and everything looks good, check this task off your to-do list until next year (or until the next storm), or if you noticed any signs of concern we’re here to help.

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(855) 694-7868      ✉ 

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