Late Summer Checklist for Homeowners

Late summer checklist for homeowners put together by your Househappy Concierge

Now that summer is winding down, it’s time to take care of a few things around the house before the weather starts to change. Check out our Home Concierge’s checklist of home maintenance suggestions to help prepare your home for the arrival of fall. 

✔︎ Change HVAC filters
A dirty HVAC filter can make your home’s system work harder than it should and be less effective or lead to costly repairs. 

✔︎ Clean your gutters
If your gutters are clogged, you can end up with a flooded interior and damaged exterior. 

✔︎ Fertilize your lawn
If you want to keep your lawn looking great in the spring and summer, you need to prep it for the fall and winter. 

✔︎ Test smoke detectors
Do a test of your smoke detectors and your carbon monoxide detectors and replace the batteries if needed.

✔︎ Check driveway/pavement for cracks
Make sure to have re-sealed before winter; water can freeze and expand in the cracks, causing more damage.

Need help getting your home ready for fall? Your Home Concierge is here to help!

Erica Ogle